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Unless you find it difficult to read off a computer the purpose of the booklets is to share the information with people who do not use the Internet. It is much more economical and up-to-date if people do view the information online. If you know of someone who may be interested in reading this information please email me. I can mail a copy directly to them or, preferably, mail it to you and have you make photocopies of it for them and other people.
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The booklets have almost identical content to the corresponding information on the linked web sites. Booklets are printed on A4 paper but other formats could be made available on request. To print the booklets from the below files you may be able to use any sized paper. Please let me know if you want me to send you several copies of the same booklet to distribute or if you are able to photocopy or print them.
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A good idea would be to contact relevant organizations that are interested in the content of the papers. You can ask them if it is possible for them to photocopy the booklets or papers. Many organizations who like the information would be happy to freely photocopy it on high speed copiers. An idea would be to write to organisations that would be likely to do this. I do have a suggested letter you can send. If you do not receive a reply it could pay to ring or visit them to ask them if they received the letter. You can also ask them what the letter states.
Other people or organizations may not be able to copy the information, but they would be willing to distribute it. This could be done by inserting it in their newsletters or leaving it on their table where the public can see it. If you know of anyone who is able to copy or distribute the information please let me know.
Disagreement is common among people who could work together to form a team to share the truth. As a result they often don't work together. However, there is a solution which is to focus on what we do agree on. If there is disagreement, I suggest that people can state something like the following paragraph when sharing the information.
If you are concerned that people may think that you are endorsing some information which you may not necessarily agree with, you are welcome to state something like "I do not agree with everything, but it is still well worth reading". I believe that it is worth getting opinions of others, on it irrespective of whether you fully agree or not, because changes can be made, and many people would agree to or use at least most of these truths. If you do not agree with some of the content, and you prefer to send out this letter subject to changes being made, please let us know, because we are happy to negotiate any changes. Sharing this information will help us find people who could be helpful and they may convince us to change many of our views.
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Brief summary or index page titled "True Conspiracies, the Illuminati and One World Government"
The content of this booklet is the same as the information at http://www.trueconspiracies.com/
8 pages or 2 sheets.
Click here to load the file to print.
Hope & Solutions For Conspiracies & Hidden Problems with:
The Workforce & Education System, Competition, Waste, World Poverty, Inequality & More.
The content of this booklet is the same as the information at http://www.trueconspiracies.com/money.htm
12 pages or 3 sheets.
Click here to load the file to print.
Many True Conspiracies
The content of this booklet is the same as the information at http://www.trueconspiracies.com/summary.htm
20 pages or 5 sheets.
Click here to load the file to print.
Other booklets from Relevant Sites
New Lobby Group to make and save us Billions
For Australia
The content of this booklet is the same as the information at advantagein.com/politics/indexaus.html
4 pages or 1 sheet.
Click here to load the file to print.
Important Survey to Help Australia
The content of this booklet contains the survey that is linked to http://www.advantagein.com/politics/survey
4 pages or 1 sheet.
Click here to load the file to print.
The Secret to Forming a New Political Alliance or Party that will Gain Support
The content of this booklet is the same as the information at http://www.advantagein.com/politics/solutions.htm
4 pages or 1 sheet.
Click here to load the file to print.
For Other Countries
The content of this booklet is the same as the information at advantagein.com/politics/indexinternational.html
4 pages or 1 sheet.
Click here to load the file to print.
Summary and Overview of Many Christian Topics
The content of this booklet is the same as the information at http://www.truechristianity.com/christian/salvationbbrief.htm
4 pages or 1 sheet.
Click here to load the file to print.
Are you really saved?
You may be shocked!!
The content of this booklet is the same as the information at http://www.truechristianity.com/christian/saved.htm which is also repeated in part of the full report at http://www.truechristianity.com/christian/salvationbfull.htm
28 pages or 7 sheets.
Click here to load the file to print.
Suppressed truths
and a Better System
The content of this booklet is the same as the information in all the chapters listed in the full report at http://www.truechristianity.com/christian/salvationbfull.htm
except the ones included in book 1 above and book 3 below.
40 pages or 10 sheets.
Click here to load the file to print.
An in Depth Study Revealing Something Very Different to What Most Think
The content of this booklet is the same as the information at http://www.truechristianity.com/christian/helldoctrines.htm which is also repeated in part of the full report at http://www.truechristianity.com/christian/salvationbfull.htm
12 pages or 3 sheets.
Click here to load the file to print.
How to discern True Christianity from False Doctrine
The content of this booklet is the same as the information at http://www.truechristianity.com/true.htm
4 pages or 1 sheet.
Click here to load the file to print.
Benefits for Christians Who Help the Needy
The content of this booklet is the same as the information at http://www.truechristianity.com/christian/income.htm
4 pages or 1 sheet.
Click here to load the file to print.
Bible Prophecy Summary
The content of this booklet is the same as the information at http://www.truechristianity.com/prophecy
4 pages or 1 sheet.
Click here to load the file to print.
You can also navigate to individual pages below but it is much better to start here instead.
The workforce deception and corruption.
Charging money suppresses goods and services.
Waste is a goal to gain control.
The danger of competition instead of fair regulation.
A conspiracy comparison.
The answer to a more efficient and happy workforce.
The big picture of world statistics.
Corrupt world system deceptions are deceiving the people. Also most multinationals, politicians & banks are corrupt.
Small businesses borrowing & unnecessary distractions, help multinationals & banks take control of property.
Banks and multinationals have shares in & control of many companies like the media.
One world government to be hastened by banks and multinationals with shares.
Political parties & lobby groups ignored by politicians & the media.
Political & government corruption. Political donations & control.
Corrupt education system conspiracy.
Conspiracies of AIDS, cancer, vaccines, drugs, & fluoride.
Small businesses and volunteer workers discriminated.
Gradualism is used to introduce satanic doctrines or laws.
Gun laws and control gives one world government power.
Countries in debt lose control to international laws.
How the international bankers conspiracy caused wars, assassinations and depressions.
Peace treaties give false security & hasten one world government.
Banks create money & lend at interest - Inflation & bankruptcy.
Third world debt causes starvation & poverty.
Governments are restricting subdivisions & councils are amalgamating.
A conspiracy against small businesses through unfair regulations, taxes and competition.
Predatory pricing. Large businesses destroy small businesses with unfair competition.
Deregulation of primary products cause small business bankruptcies.
False government figures on unemployment and GDP.
Mergers & multinationals cause mass layoffs of staff, unemployment, poverty, automation & slave labor.
Welfare and tax avoidance mean that governments enforce consumption taxes.
Free trade suits multinationals & monopolies.
A cashless society.
Foreign investment & privatisation is selling assets to multinationals.
Overvalued stock market bubble! People are investing borrowed money in shares of companies which are making a loss.
World heritage & one world government.
Corruption in the justice or legal system.
Organizations planning a one world government.
The Illuminati is planning a one world government.
The Y2K or millennium bug cost small businesses & governments dearly. Conspiracy???
Governments are encouraging gambling on poker machines & casinos to raise taxes.
UFO's & government conspiracies at military bases.
Genetic engineering gives multinationals power over food, crops & farmers.
Wage rises cause inflation, unemployment & small business destruction.
Trade Unions, small businesses, pensioners and sincere unemployed people.
Small business and promotion failure rates.
Supressed inventions and inventors.
Promoting Christian ministry and truth is better than seeking excess money.
Many powerful societies & philosophies are evil & satanic.
Christmas & Easter help commercialisation & multinationals.
A positive conclusion with the solutions.
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Similar sites that have swapped links.
Please copy and distribute this information but email me first for details. Shorter articles are available if needed.
Copyright 1998 - 2004 by Richard Hole.