A Detailed Summary of the Big Picture
This is a summary of the full report, so you can read about a lot of facts in a small amount of time. It contains many totally different points, so it is important to read it all. It leads to other pages which have more detail which are also well worth reading as they will make things more clear and convincing. References are given to the sources of these conspiracies on the web site where you will find more information. An evil group of men has always wanted to rule the entire world. In the past conquest has failed to achieve this, due to the resulting outrage and awareness of the enemy. In our present time an evil group are trying a subtle but effective way to rule. This is to gradually infiltrate and delude the masses into accepting their ideas. Such subtle gradualism, along with distraction (such as unnecessary work, study, entertainment and sport) is being used effectively. Few people will therefore be aware of what is going on.
contol society have introduced satanic symbols and systems all around us. These photographs of the USA. $1 note are one of many examples. |
The solution is the Biblical principle practiced by the Apostles, which is very rarely seen today. They did not desire money, or work for the corrupt mainstream system, but worked hard doing God's will. They shared and did not spend money or time on unnecessary things. The solution is that we could form a highly efficient group. People could work from their own homes in their own time, which would be more efficient and less stressful. We could search for and communicate with people who have suppressed technologies, which are better than those publicly available. We could benefit from their technologies, and they may even join our group. A group that shares and is free of corruption would mean that other people would want to give back and help in return. This would be far better than the current mainstream system of charging dollars for almost everything, which suppresses products, causes greed and poverty and is inefficient as explained earlier. Avoid buying from or investing in multinationals or banks. Instead invest in a better system, which will help you and others. You could help honest small innovators. Lending money to True Christian charities or ministries is a good idea, as you could reclaim your savings in the future for another Godly purpose. Also your money will be used for Godly purposes. A genuine Christian group will want to help you if you are in need. This is better than hording unused money in a corrupt bank or company where it is likely that you will lose your life savings. "1 Tim 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." We need people to reveal the truth to those who are uninformed and to search for those with similar interests. Quality goods and services are needed, but they take time to find among the counterfeits, although the Internet does help. This will only be achieved if people like you change from working for the corrupt mainstream system to a much more efficient, enjoyable system. Many people who work for the corrupt system are honest, intelligent people who work hard. They would change the world if they worked for a better system. People could continue in a similar occupation. For example, a teacher could leave the mainstream system to work for a Christian school. A scientist could research the best methods available, instead of something that will bring the satanic conspirators profit. A health worker could start researching and using suppressed cures, instead of using the mainstream's system of dangerous drugs or methods. A member of parliament could change from being part of a mainstream political party to become an independent. A meteorologist could start an Internet network of home-based weather stations, sky cameras and forecasters that would give much more information, efficiency and reliability than the weather bureau. I am trying to do this. People could leave mainstream education. Instead they could study something that they will use and want to learn. Imagine how much less stress, bad company, overwork, workplace bullying, and unhappiness there would be. We need to do God's will, which clearly says not to yoke with evil or be part of the corrupt world system. Maybe then will we see great joy and healings in people who are coming to God. Some members of our group could work to find and research groups or individuals that practice True Christianity. There may be true Christians or true Christian groups out there as committed as the Apostles with instant, permanent, consistent, supernatural healings and totally true prophecies. Many counterfeit groups claim this. The challenge is to find and prove who are the genuine believers and expose corruption, counterfeit groups and false doctrines so that people can be warned. The reasons why we should seek first the kingdom of God by trying to form or find a group like the Apostles are endless. Imagine the benefits if we could move in the spirit like the Apostles. People would be guided by God instead of stumbling around blind folded making the wrong decisions. We may not have to spend eons of our lives looking for things and making decisions. There may be little or no need for traditional medical therapy, as people could be supernaturally healed. There would be certainty, direction and less frustration. There would be more love, a great relationship with God and little worry. There would be a revival with maybe even sceptics coming to the Lord when they see things happening. The main focus should not be on this world, which is perishing. Making a significant change to the mainstream system is almost impossible. Time would be much better spent on forming an independent system. There is much hope as we can choose not to follow the god of this world, but worship God so that we can enjoy a much better life to come. Please see much more information on true Christianity at truechristianity.com It is important you continue to the full report for more information on the many topics in this summary. There is much hope as you will see in the pages that are linked below. Please link to, promote, distribute, and sponsor this information. Please let me know if you can place any information in your media. Short articles are available. You can either print or have this information freely sent to you in a paper booklet by clicking here. |
Global Dictatorship, Politicians, Multinationals, Trade Unions, Interest Rates, Education, Banks, Money, Free Trade, Stock Markets, Privation, Debt, War, Unfair Competition, Suppressed Inventions & Much More. ![]() |
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Copyright 1998 - 2004 by Richard Hole.
You can also navigate to individual pages below but it is much better to start here instead.
The workforce deception and corruption.
Charging money suppresses goods and services.
Waste is a goal to gain control.
The danger of competition instead of fair regulation.
A conspiracy comparison.
The answer to a more efficient and happy workforce.
The big picture of world statistics.
Corrupt world system deceptions are deceiving the people. Also most multinationals, politicians & banks are corrupt.
Small businesses borrowing & unnecessary distractions, help multinationals & banks take control of property.
Banks and multinationals have shares in & control of many companies like the media.
One world government to be hastened by banks and multinationals with shares.
Political parties & lobby groups ignored by politicians & the media.
Political & government corruption. Political donations & control.
Corrupt education system conspiracy.
Conspiracies of AIDS, cancer, vaccines, drugs, & fluoride.
Small businesses and volunteer workers discriminated.
Gradualism is used to introduce satanic doctrines or laws.
Gun laws and control gives one world government power.
Countries in debt lose control to international laws.
How the international bankers conspiracy caused wars, assassinations and depressions.
Peace treaties give false security & hasten one world government.
Banks create money & lend at interest - Inflation & bankruptcy.
Third world debt causes starvation & poverty.
Governments are restricting subdivisions & councils are amalgamating.
A conspiracy against small businesses through unfair regulations, taxes and competition.
Predatory pricing. Large businesses destroy small businesses with unfair competition.
Deregulation of primary products cause small business bankruptcies.
False government figures on unemployment and GDP.
Mergers & multinationals cause mass layoffs of staff, unemployment, poverty, automation & slave labor.
Welfare and tax avoidance mean that governments enforce consumption taxes.
Free trade suits multinationals & monopolies.
A cashless society.
Foreign investment & privatisation is selling assets to multinationals.
Overvalued stock market bubble! People are investing borrowed money in shares of companies which are making a loss.
World heritage & one world government.
Corruption in the justice or legal system.
Organizations planning a one world government.
The Illuminati is planning a one world government.
The Y2K or millennium bug cost small businesses & governments dearly. Conspiracy???
Governments are encouraging gambling on poker machines & casinos to raise taxes.
UFO's & government conspiracies at military bases.
Genetic engineering gives multinationals power over food, crops & farmers.
Wage rises cause inflation, unemployment & small business destruction.
Trade Unions, small businesses, pensioners and sincere unemployed people.
Small business and promotion failure rates.
Supressed inventions and inventors.
Promoting Christian ministry and truth is better than seeking excess money.
Many powerful societies & philosophies are evil & satanic.
Christmas & Easter help commercialisation & multinationals.
A positive conclusion with the solutions.